If you need complementary therapies, call Sioned Bryant based in Whitchurch, Cardiff. I offer a secure and calming clinic from my home.
I have been a reflexology practitioner for over 25 years. I have enhanced my knowledge and skills by completing the Centralia Reflexology Mastership (incorporating Agored Cymru units at Level 5), this being the highest level of training available in the UK. I attended the Inspira Academy, Cardiff, the UK's leading provider of reflexology training and gained a distinction on completing this qualification.
One of the techniques I use is the one developed by Inspira known as Duopody. This involves working both feet simultaneously and is a technique which works methodically through each organ and the different systems within the body.
Duopody is a technique that I may use since it is important to recognise that there is 'no one treatment that fits all'. I am also trained in other techniques that could help specific conditions. My aim is to customise a unique treatment plan for each individual.
I am passionate about reflexology and its benefits. I believe that my continuing training is of the utmost importance to ensure that I deliver the best treatment to enhance the well-being of my clients. I have completed training in HypnoReflexology, Duopody Sportsflex, and Precision Reflexology and ART (Advanced Reflexology Techniques.) I have also completed foundation training in cancer care for complementary therapists. I followed this by attending a Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage course which addresses secondary lymphedema and other inflammatory disorders. I have completed intensive training in a specialised form of reflexology addressing reflexology for fertility and conception called Reproflexology (TM). I am a member of the Association of Reproductive Reflexology (ARR). I then attended a maternity Reflexology course that supports women throughout pregnancy and can help promote general wellbeing.
I am a member of The Association of Reflexologist. I abide by their code of ethics. I am fully insured and I am based in Whitchurch, Cardiff.
"Sioned was very calm gentle and empathetic. I had six sessions with her over 2 months. I needed to relax, unwind and take time for myself. I was suffering with hot flushes and anxiety with menopause. In my sessions I took time to relax and surrender to the moment. Helped me to concentrate on breath and stillness, connecting and slowing down, taking time to heal. A very calm and kind place to come to."
FranN-12 - Yell Review

Call Sioned Bryant on
07855 796057
For reflexology services in Cardiff & surrounding areas.